
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

That time again - My To Do List!

My mind is all over the place lately so I need to sit down and concentrate on one thing at a time.  Unfortunately that means deciding on what those things are and setting some priorities.  This will make my husband very happy as he is always rabbiting on about if there is a job to do then "Write it down!". The things that get forgotten and weeks may pass before I get around to doing that five minute task which nags me constantly.

So in the spirit of starting off with a positive attitude, here is what I've achieved so far:

  1. Made a dental appointment for my daughter during the holidays (long overdue!).
  2. Made a doctors appointment for my pap smear (about six months overdue - and in the interests of my fellow bloggers' reminders to us all to get checked, consider this a reminder to you too!).
  3. Made an appointment with my optometrist for my checkup (about a year overdue).
  4. Get my dog's hair cut (except he now looks like a skeleton).
Poor cold Sydney!

This is all I've come up with so far.  Now here's my To Do List (funny how this subject crops up before school holidays almost every time!):
  1. Do product reviews that are in the pipeline.
  2. Read some of the books that are piling up around my bedroom (damn those school fetes!)
  3. De clutter desk (supplied before shot below, I haven't even sat at it yet, probably because I haven't got a chair).
  4. Clean out wardrobe (and hopefully discover a big gap that needs to be filled with new clothes!).
  5. Decorate garage so the kids actually want to use it as a rumpus room.
  6. Make our home more stylish, or at least make an attempt at decorating it the way it deserves.
This is disgusting, nothing like the ideal I pinned here

Some of these things I can solve by just getting stuck in and also by getting advice from blogs such as My Big Nutshell and Urban Style Hunters (which had their pop up store launch last Sunday and which I attended and am excited as to where they are heading with just the kind of lovely things I adore).  They also told me the four little, old Sebel chairs I have in the backyard are quite valuable!

Found thrown out at school. Aren't they cute? (Please ignore the weeds)

This will hopefully put some things out of my head tonight and leave the final week of the school term free to actually achieve things off my to do list at my day job!  

So do you have a to do list which just happens to turn up just before the holidays, every time?


  1. My 'to do' list is in draft mode LOL

    By the time I get to it, it grows more. I gave up and hope for the best now! OR I right anything *really* important in my budget book because I know every Tuesday and Wednesday I look in there! lol

    Happy iBOT lovely!

    MC xxx

  2. My 'To do' lists just keep getting bigger! Good luck with yours! P.S- My dog looks exactly the same right now, I figured we better get it done before it gets too cold!

  3. I have a never ending list that is waiting to be done. Sigh. Actually I have more than one of them. There is one for the house, one for the blog, one for personal development, and once again the list is seemingly endless.

    Swinging by as part of #teamIBOT leaving fairy wishes and butterfly kisses

  4. I need to write down a list too, but it all just feels too much at the moment!!!!
    Yay for Gemma and the Urban Style Hunters. They will get you sorted in no time!


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