
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A new stage in life

I've just spent two days learning my new job at my new school. I'm replacing a retiring lady who has been there almost 22 years, so once again I'm about to fill another pair of big shoes (last position 6 years ago was replacing another retiring lady after holding that job for 27 years!).

The job is not straight forward and there are a lot of different systems to learn but I'm quite excited at the prospect!  Not to mention having my very own office for the first time - it even has its own toilet! OK a few other staff come through to use it but at least that means I'll always have visitors.

I can't wait to get started on Monday and make my mark, put some pretty touches to the place and hopefully learn enough to not stuff up too much.  Though it did occur to me while I was driving home (all of three minutes commute), that I could end up being the person I'm replacing - retiring after spending one or two decades in the same office. Scary thought.  Hopefully Mr Moneymaker will make his million before that and I'll be retiring early to the North Coast. Or I'll write that great novel and become rich and famous.  Hahaha.

My week (which was supposed to be a breather between jobs) is chocca's!  Tomorrow I'll be back at my old work for one day, hopefully handing over my job.

Thursday I'll be popping into the city at a lunch and launch with some fellow bloggers. It sounds like a lovely, indulgent afternoon and its kismet that it just happened to fall on the week I'm free!

Friday I'll be picking up one of my sisters from the airport and driving us up to the Blue Mountains so we can visit another sister.  There may be various alcoholic beverages consumed that night so I have cleared Saturday of any strenuous activity. Even though there's an Elvis Festival on in Katoomba!

Reading over all that I've realised I haven't mentioned my kids at all (and that's probably why I don't call myself a mummy blogger), so here's a couple of curious pics.  Nugget received his long awaited onesie from ebay today and even though its supposed to be Stitch, once I mentioned he reminded me of Wilfred, he started chasing his tail.....

And after noticing Chicken had a striking resemblance to a rediscovered relative, I had to make her pose with the photo just to prove it.  She wasn't happy.....

How is your week going?  Have you started a new stage in life?

*Joining up with Essentially Jess for #IBOT*


  1. Oh wow those pics are heaps alike!!
    Lots happening for you Becky but sounds like great fun all around. Love a new challenge!
    Now start on that novel!!!! :)

  2. Ooh, how exciting - enjoy your break week ;) and good lick for next week :)

    Hello from #teamIBOT


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